
XX Shieldwolf 2 years ago

Country Rank: #4,448
Points: 210
Play Count: 2
Play Time: 8m 42s
Ranked Scores
Type Song Mode Bonus Length Score Grade Points
Nightwish - Beauty Of The Beast
2 years ago
mono 4m 30s
280 density
- 113p -
Howard Ashman & Alan Menken - Skid Row (Downtown)
2 years ago
mono 4m 12s
217 density
- 97p -
Recent Scores
Type Song Mode Bonus Length Score Grade Points
Howard Ashman & Alan Menken - Skid Row (Downtown)
2 years ago
mono 4m 12s
217 density
- 97p -
Nightwish - Beauty Of The Beast
2 years ago
mono 4m 30s
280 density
- 113p -
Non-Stealth Scores
No Scores!