
Thank you for considering supporting the server!

If you would like to support the project you can do it by donating!
Reasons to Donate
Help Paying For Server Costs
Even a small donation will help with the monthly hosting costs.
No crucial features locked behind paywall
Keep Yash Render free for all!
Keep the site without Ads
Lets be honest we all hate ads, and we don't want to rely on them.
Being a Donator will give you the following perks

Customise your username colour and background

Want your name to be shown in your favourite colour? Say no more! You can customise your username colour.

Suggest Song of The Day

Found a great banger you want everyone to play, or have an old favourite you want to see played more? You can queue up to five songs and randomizer will pick one from all the donators songs!

Convinced that you want to help? Be a Donator!
One (1) $ / € equals to 30 days of Donator!
Please contact me in our Discord server or email me at [email protected] if you bought Donator and haven't received your perks or have other issues!