United States Rankings

Rank Player Points Total Score Online Score Offline Score Play Count
#111 US PolaBore 23,787 194,427,949 190,673,257 3,754,692 498
#112 US QSS 23,631 251,494,032 251,201,298 292,734 764
#113 US PrinceAndy63 23,562 470,126,538 65,423,686 404,702,852 1,111
#114 US CT12543 23,426 79,122,764 32,097,879 47,024,885 194
#115 US jjgamer06 23,011 231,392,191 207,201,468 24,190,723 503
#116 US Steak Squad 22,950 177,776,923 177,776,923 0 404
#117 US Amble 22,507 53,482,742 52,500,011 982,731 122
#118 US TheTolsonator 22,491 152,117,813 14,195,417 137,922,396 383
#119 US Kaight 22,485 222,551,439 81,539,946 141,011,493 559
#120 US shimmy shimmy cocoa puff 22,462 78,280,694 72,003,153 6,277,541 203
#121 US XoDus 22,116 552,314,252 306,827,130 245,487,122 761
#122 US DeltaStrata 22,022 90,005,262 25,379,069 64,626,193 195
#124 US Ambiguous Fox 21,528 68,012,849 17,703,644 50,309,205 134
#125 US BloodSurge 21,502 267,317,868 123,052,162 144,265,706 747
#126 US Napples 21,291 209,839,958 207,825,525 2,014,433 419
#127 US Cogonzo 21,163 161,777,928 159,532,285 2,245,643 363
#128 US Zero 21,125 241,936,028 241,001,514 934,514 749
#131 US BlakeyGotCakey 20,946 56,798,932 56,458,580 340,352 201
#133 US Moogles Are Love 20,361 95,798,467 37,644,677 58,153,790 238
#134 US Pheenic 20,339 69,938,593 25,434,703 44,503,890 174
#135 US Peanut Arbuckle 20,295 70,109,866 70,109,866 0 179
#136 US Providence 20,233 57,345,053 38,928,249 18,416,804 113
#137 US Lunar Moon 20,218 171,099,016 170,229,457 869,559 440
#138 US Bray.Guil 20,161 118,849,441 116,557,356 2,292,085 380
#141 US Seqqy 19,891 60,710,633 4,039,969 56,670,664 128
#142 US Deezel 19,784 181,352,952 181,352,952 0 568
#143 US vy 19,694 110,715,262 110,715,262 0 292
#144 US wookybro 19,682 192,988,955 138,125,585 54,863,370 442
#145 US Julian the Rock! 19,415 54,510,394 25,715,115 28,795,279 144
#146 US Timmy Tucson 19,407 118,060,628 116,975,990 1,084,638 349
#147 US lemonlime_junkie 19,230 149,718,971 149,718,971 0 436
#148 US yo grabba grabba 19,102 48,972,257 21,810,564 27,161,693 136
#149 US Toxinsomnia 19,066 136,470,430 136,470,430 0 417
#150 US ЯAYZORR 19,017 101,522,127 101,344,989 177,138 332
#151 US ella 18,914 168,488,566 72,229,480 96,259,086 541
#152 US Cyanslicle 18,819 74,610,833 74,330,958 279,875 206
#153 US Tinh1000000 18,796 71,374,639 59,183,665 12,190,974 144
#154 US YouLoseAndIWin 18,749 47,237,335 11,112,624 36,124,711 123
#155 US Hotline Pizza 18,746 117,776,742 114,376,140 3,400,602 336
#156 US WhySoderpy31 18,735 133,988,040 133,988,040 0 399
#158 US Edan184 18,554 126,518,784 31,112,624 95,406,160 237
#159 US huh?🍓 18,380 85,143,296 83,066,617 2,076,679 280
#160 US sweateRys 18,293 250,587,727 158,426,301 92,161,426 556
#161 US Eiríni 18,249 96,397,507 92,203,311 4,194,196 253
#162 US `Kinjaxツ 18,219 99,705,397 97,010,333 2,695,064 274
#163 US Sam The Gamer 18,157 572,650,519 518,813,804 53,836,715 248
#164 US minah 18,118 131,017,611 131,017,611 0 407
#165 US AreusWar 17,987 104,592,353 102,550,222 2,042,131 252
#166 US Nestorillo 17,899 71,163,690 1,738,003 69,425,687 185
#167 US ᴠ̅̅ɪ̅̅ᴘ̅̅ᴇ̅̅ʀ 17,761 415,774,262 401,589,227 14,185,035 1,020